冰球突破豪华版游戏下载鼓励学生与导师和顾问谈论任何关于辍学的问题或担忧, 取消, 或取消. 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载遵循所有北达科他州高等教育委员会的政策和北达科他州大学系统有关学生课程的程序, 提取和退款.
This procedure allows students to discontinue enrollment in a particular course, but to maintain enrollment in some courses for the semester. All course drops must be completed in CampusConnection.
This procedure allows students to withdraw to zero credits for the semester. Students withdrawing completely 从冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 must complete the
取消/撤回至零 校园连接表格. On your home page in 校园连接 click on the eForms tile. In the margin on the left hand side, 选择“学习成绩”,点击“取消/退至零”,填写退单.
Administrative Hardship Withdraw
的 procedure allows students the opportunity to
上诉笔录记录 在退课之后, 取款到零积分, 或因情有可原的情况(医疗)而在最后一天后辍学, 军事, 直系亲属死亡, 自然灾害, 等). 联系
wsc.records@jsjiagew71.com to request the Administrative Hardship Withdrawal Form.
Student Finance Drop or Withdraw Appeal
学费和费用退款的计算符合国家高等教育委员会制定的政策. 同学们,谁愿意
appeal tuition and fee charges due to extenuating circumstances (medical, 军事, 直系亲属死亡, 自然灾害, 等), 可以按照上诉程序并向学生财务办公室提交学生资助退学/退学上诉表格来做到这一点吗.
Students Reported as Non-Attending
根据重要日期表被报为未参加课程的学生, 将收取该课程25%的学杂费,并且在成绩单上获得W.
学费 & 退款时间表
退还学杂费 |
退课 |
撤回 |
0.000% - 8.999% |
100% |
100% |
9.000% - 34.999% |
0% |
75% |
35.000% - 59.999% |
0% |
50% |
60.000% - 100.000% |
0% |
0% |
* When eligibility for a refund is calculated, 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载取类开始以来经过的日历日数,并将其除以类中的日历日数. 因此,日历天数较少的班级将有更短的截止日期收到退款.